Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 5-A suitable substitute

Wish: Today marks a milestone in my relationship with the Human. I have finally beguiled her into taking me onto her shoulder. It must have been my hooting and 'pretty bird' calls, and all of the subliminal messages I have pooed onto the cage floor. It's not easy to scrawl "Human, be mine" when you are preoccupied with the daily duties! And, I'm rather enjoying the radio station. NPR indeed. My Bird Quotient has risen 10 points each passing day. And, the "jazzy nights" that she listens to is great. I may take up the alto saxophone if my mommies let me. (My new name is Dizzy "Wish the Bird" Parker.) And speaking of "letting"...please do not *let* the Human dance anymore. Even to Cuban mambo, she manages to make the body form look like a squirming wet noodle on too many steroids.

Kasey: Eeeee! Aaaaaccck! OOOOOOOO My! What. Was. That? Was that a grey foreboding cloud? aaaaaaaa! eeee! oooohhhh! I know what that means! It means that the aliens are coming! Run! Hide! Scratch up the floor! Apparently the Human is taking up mumbling in her spare time..."Preemptive Benadryl for you Kasey Dogg"...what does THAT mean?

Morgan: Even though it was raining so the Human couldn't walk us, life is OK. Hey, this girl dances like Martha Graham. (Did someone say graham cracker??) I'm howling in happiness. I think that I'll roll up into the smallest ball of fur that a 70 pound fine classy dame such as myself can. Good night!

Watts: It was a wet food day, and if I had opposable thumbs, I'd twitch my multiple nipples in sheer joy. Whatever. I'll give myself a bath instead.

(insert obligatory Human remarks HERE about loving critters both great and small, because that's what Coleridge says we should do. although I doubt the word critter fits into iambic pentamber well. cheerio!)


Sparky Duck said...

wet food day is the best food day

Dragon said...

Sounds like you're having a grand time! Don't turn your back on the cat.

Hyperion said...

What's going on here? This looks interesting.