Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 4-DoggerLords demonstrate Mad Skills

Morgan and Kasey: The best part of our walks is amusing the Human with our amazing ability to pee every 30 seconds. We must have wowed her by now. Today was a weekend, she said. What is this *weekend* that she speaks of? Isn't every day the same: wake up, get let out, get fed, have fun playing, sleep for many hours, watch TV, chew on bones, go on walks, eat dinner, get let out s'more, and scritching and rubbing for the asking. Weekend???

Watts: I am now surprising the Human by greeting her at the door step when she comes into MY home. Like I am super stealthy and knows when she's coming home. Soon she will understand that I mean to have wet food daily.

Wish: {sigh} Look kids, Big Ben. Parliment.

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