Tuesday, November 20, 2007

CIE: Day 2 in which we find the backyard


I thought I'd write a haiku, I want to expand my writing genres. One day my writing prowess will be lauded by shepards across this great nation. Nation Morgan , I'd like to call it.

Vast land is my yard.
Covered trees abound. My tears
Of joy are many.


I'm so very glad I have the bladder capacity of a large elephant and the control of a septuagenarian. That way I can mark everything faster than Morgan. She's so silly, she's still crying. Who knew she was so sensitive?
All of this area, this backyard, and it's all MINE! This is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mine and that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mineand that is mine and this is mine!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Critters in Exile: Day 1

Critters Log, November 19, 2007: ExileDate001/730:

We report the sudden loss of the squawking one, whom we shall miss tremendously. In honor of the not-so-much flying bird, we have composed a top 10 list. Hey, what ELSE are we going to do in the car?

The Top Ten Reasons Why Dogs are Better than Cats...

no wait..not THAT one...Watts is hissing again...THIS one...

The Top 10 Reasons Why Wish Will Be Missed
10. Feeders kept on radio channels we liked, "for Wish". Rap or NPR sure beats watching soap operas.
9. After a steep learning curve, we understood he squawked because he loved us.
8. Although never obvious, we knew that he would have liked to perch upon our furry backs.
7. Oh wow!!! Another dog in a car!
6-2. Omitted because of doggie ADHD
1. He shared his food. Insta-critter adulation for the avian.